• Always carefully follow the instructions in the manual. Avoid putting the child’s safety in risk. Car seats are only safe when used based on the manuals instructions.
  • The car seat must always be installed and placed properly. The decision of which car seat to purchase is depends mostly on the child’s weight. All child car seats have been designed and approved based on this factor. European regulations have categorized the the babies weight in groups. Please check the following chart. The baby car seat must be approved by ECE R 44/03 ή ECE R 44/04.

Table English

  • The purchase of a baby car seat in not optional!.
  • On the contrary you must purchase the car seat for safety reasons and also a law regulation that a car seat must be used for children up to 12 yrs.
  • Make sure that the safety belts of the baby car seat ( 3 positions) are firmly strapped providing the child the best possible safety. Consult the manual if needed.

ATTENTION: Never leave the child in the car without supervision and make sure to to have it seated well and strapped.



  • For your child’s safety always follow the manual’s instructions carefully.
  • Before use make sure that the installation was made properly.
  • The installation of the product must be always made by an adult. For the correct method of installation please read the manual.
  • Always make sure of the high chair’s condition. Thoroughly check the product and if found a broken or damaged part we strongly recommend replacing the part from the manufacturer.


  •  Watch out for heat sources and units.
  •  Keep electric appliances, hot beverages and other dangerous objects out of the child’s reach.
  •  Always use the safety belt and the separation belt for your child’s safety and comfort.

WARNING: Never leave your child without supervision even for a little while.



  • Always follow the instructions inside the manual.
  • The child must be kept away from moving parts of the stroller when preparing for use. WARNING – ATTENTION: It’s very important to ensure the child’s safety to be kept away from the stroller when closing and opening the stroller. This process is very dangerous and kids must be in a safe distance in order to be sure accidents are avoided.
  • Children must be safely seated in and strapped and never to be left alone without supervision.



  • Always carefully follow the instructions in the manual. Avoid putting the child’s safety in risk.
  • Before use always make sure that all the parts of the walker are in good condition as they might get damaged from transportation. Often check the product’s condition.
  • The installation of the product must always be done by an adult. For the correct method of installation please follow the manual.

Important Warning

  • Before use make sure that there is no access towards stairs, flooring that is not level, unstable flooring, swimming pools and other areas with water. The walkers must be only used on level surfaces.
  • Watch out for heat sources and units.
  • Keep electric appliances, hot beverages and other dangerous objects out of the child’s reach.
  • Attend to making sure the child can’t get hurt by hitting windows, doors, furniture etc.

ATTENTION: Never leave the child without supervision.

Babies cry. There’s no way to get around it. It’s one way they communicate. Since your baby can’t talk, you may worry, “How will I know what she wants?” At first it can be difficult, but a large part of parenting is trial and error, and you’ll soon learn to anticipate her needs and wipe away her tears. These are the most common reasons babies cry. If your little one is wailing, work your way down the list and chances are you’ll find the cure.

How can I tell why my baby is crying?

I’m Hungry
Once you learn to recognize the signs that your baby wants to eat she/he’ll fuss, make noises, and root around for your breast if you pick her/him up you’ll get pretty good at feeding her/his before she/he starts to really cry. But when she/he is crying, check first to see if she’s/he’s hungry. Food might not stop her/him crying right away, but let her/him keep eating if she/he wants to. Sometimes a baby will continue to cry even after you start feeding her/him; keep going, she/he’ll stop once her/his stomach is full.

Change my diaper
Some babies will let you know right away when they need to be changed; others don’t mind when their diapers are soiled it’s warm and comfortable to them. (Parents are often surprised when they pick up their infant and find they’ve been sitting around in a dirty diaper and never made a sound.) Either way, this one is easy to check and simple to remedy.

I’m too cold or hot
Newborns like to be bundled up and kept warm. (As a rule, they need to be wearing one more layer than you need to be comfortable.) So when your baby feels cold, like when you strip her naked to change her, she’ll let you know that she’s not happy by crying. You’ll learn how to quickly change a diaper and wrap your baby back up to calm her until the crying stops. Watch out that you don’t overdress her, since she’s less likely to complain about being too warm than about being too cold and won’t cry about it as vigorously.

I want to be held
Babies need a lot of cuddling. They like to see their parents’ faces, hear their voices, listen to their hearts, and can even detect their unique smell (especially Mom’s milk). After being fed, burped, and changed, many babies simply want to be held. You may wonder if you’ll “spoil” your child by holding her so much, but during the first few months of life there’s no such thing. Infants will vary a lot in how much they want to be held. Some demand a lot of attention, while others can spend long periods of time sitting calmly by themselves. If your baby likes the attention, pick her up or keep her next to you.

I can’t take it anymore
While newborns seem to thrive on a lot of attention, they can easily become over stimulated and have a “melt-down.” You may find that your baby cries longer than usual after spending a holiday with many adoring family members or has periods at the end of each day when she seems to cry for no reason. Newborns have difficulty filtering out all the stimulation they receive the lights, the noise, being passed from hand to hand and can become overwhelmed by too much activity. Crying is their way of saying “I’ve had enough.” This usually happens when your baby is tired. Take her somewhere calm and quiet and let her vent for a while, and then see if you can get her to sleep.

I don’t feel good
If you’ve just fed your baby and checked that she’s comfortable (it can be something as subtle as a hair wrapped around her toe or a clothing tag that’s poking her), but she’s still crying, consider checking her temperature to make sure she isn’t ill. The cry of a sick baby tends to be distinct from the hunger or frustration cry, and you’ll soon learn when your baby “just doesn’t sound right” and needs to be taken to the doctor.

None of the above
Sometimes you might not be able to figure out what’s wrong. Many newborns develop periods of fussiness when they’re not easily soothed. These periods of fussiness can range from a few minutes of hard-to-console crying to full-blown colic. Colic is defined as inconsolable crying for at least three hours per day, at least three days per week. Even if your baby is not crying for three hours, these episodes may be difficult for you. When all else fails, try the tips below.

I can’t figure out the reason. What should I do?

Wrap the baby and hold it close
Newborns like to feel as warm and secure as they did in the womb, so try swaddling your baby in a blanket or holding her up against your shoulder. But be aware that some babies find swaddling or cuddling too constrictive and will respond better to other forms of comfort such as sucking a pacifier or rhythmic movement.

Let the baby hear the rhythm
Babies are used to the sound of your heartbeat; that’s another reason they love to be held close. But you can also try playing soft music, singing a lullaby, or even just putting her close to the steady rhythm of an electric fan or the white noise of a vacuum cleaner.

Put the baby in motion
Sometimes just the motion of carrying your baby around will be enough to calm her. Other times, it may help to rock her gently in a rocking chair or swing at the same rate as your heart (around 60 to 100 beats per minute), set her on top of the dryer while it’s on, or take her for a ride in the car.

Rub the baby’s tummy
Rubbing your baby’s back or belly is one of the most soothing things you can do for her, especially if she’s having gas pains, which may be the problem with some colicky babies.

Let the baby suck on something
Even when the baby’s not hungry, sucking can steady an infant’s heart rate, relax the baby’s stomach, and calm it’s flailing limbs. Give the baby a pacifier or a finger to clamp onto and let it go to town.

Take care of yourself
No baby ever cried herself to death, but a crying baby can be very stressful for new parents. You’re chronically sleep-deprived and may already be unsure about how to care for this baby. Mom’s emotions are all over the place due to the hormonal changes she’s going through. Dad may not be sure what role he should play in caring for the newborn or whether he’ll ever get mom’s attention again. Add a crying baby to this scenario and many parents can become overwhelmed with feelings of incompetence. If you know your baby’s needs have been met and you’ve tried to calm her/him but she’/he’s still crying, it’s time to take care of yourself so you don’t get too frustrated:

  • Put your baby down and let her cry for a while.
  • Call a friend or relative and ask for advice.
  • Give yourself a break and let someone else take over.
  • Put on some quiet music to distract yourself.
  • Take deep breaths.
  • Remind yourself that nothing is wrong with your baby and crying won’t hurt it she or he may just be having a good cry about something and can’t tell you what it is.
  • Repeat to yourself, “She/he will outgrow this phase.”

Fortunately, babies (and their parents) are resilient and somehow manage to get through even the most difficult crying episodes. Take heart that by the time your baby is 8 to 12 weeks old, she’ll be better able to soothe herself and much of the crying will stop.

NOTE:  We do not intend this section to be a substitute for medical advice. Regular communication with a trusted paediatrician is one of the most important ways to safeguard your children’s health. However, as more and more parents become concerned about personal health and helping their children avoid many of their bad habits, we have tried to touch on those areas that you might want to explore further with your doctor or medical provider.

Pack a carry-on bag for use during the trip and as a backup for lost luggage. Include extra clothes, food, diapers and toys – anything that you may need during the flight and for the first 12-24 hours after you arrive.

Carry-On Bag: In addition to toys, books and other fun stuff, be sure to include:

  • Moistened towelettes or wipes for quick clean-ups;
  • Extra food–select individually wrapped items you know your child will eat;
  • A bottle,
  • Sugar free gum, or candy to chew for take-off and landing (pack bottles and other food for warming in containers that can be heated by flight attendants);
  • Change of clothes (at a minimum, extra underpants or diapers);
  • Ziplock bags for soiled clothing or diapers;
  • A changing mat for diapered children.

Other equipment you may want to take include:

  • If travelling for more than a few days, you can save yourself a lot of hassle at your destination by buying a carton of diapers before leaving and just checking them with your luggage.
  • If your stroller will fit in the overhead storage compartment (a few will), keep it with you for use in the airport and during layovers.
  • Bringing your car seat with you, even if you can’t use it on the trip, will mean extra protection for your child when you arrive at your destination.
  • A portable playpen may provide a place for your child to sleep and play when you arrive. Be sure that you do not have a recalled playpen.

Travel Activities

We have found that one secret to safe and happy family flying is keeping children busy, busy, busy! Here are some suggestions to make your flight a smooth one:

  • Toys: Avoid toys that have small parts that can be pulled apart. Instead, a favourite small car, doll, stuffed animal, puppet, or action figure are all great choices. Older children enjoy hand-held electronic games. Children of all ages enjoy a toy they’ve never used before–so save a new one to unwrap on the plane.
  • In-flight Art: Colouring books, crayons, markers, Etch-A-Sketch, magic slates, blank paper, activity books (connect dots; crosswords), lacing cards, and tracing paper are all great activities. Suggest that your children prepare art work for grandparents or whomever is at your destination. Colour with your child (they’ll stay at it longer) or make up projects together; 3-5 year olds like to play school and be given assignments like draw a triangle, a house, a person–this will kill at least 10 minutes, if not more!
  • Books: Pack several and include one or two favourites and some new books your child has never heard before. Help older children who can read select a new paperback or two for the trip.
  • Music: If carefully supervised, children ages two, three and older can use a Walkman with a song or story tape (with accompanying book) and stay amused for a good while. But be sure to use headsets so as not to bother other travellers!
  • Blanket or other beloved object: For the very young traveller, it helps to have that special something, be it a “blankie” or whatever, to cuddle (and maybe even nap) with.
  • Thinking Games: With children 3 years and up you can play simple thinking games where you take turns asking each other questions. With your youngest players start off with questions like “name a fruit that is red” or “who is Ernie’s friend on Sesame Street ?” This is a long-time favourite game and it’s a fun way to stretch their minds and shorten their travel time. Older children enjoy the old favourite “20 Questions,” taking particular delight in stumping Mom or Dad with their own questions.
  • Plan in time segments: When planning activities for the flight, think of the total travel time in 10 minute segments and plan more activities than needed to account for delays and ground time. Chances are a 3-year old will not colour for all of a two-hour flight. Also, don’t count on the meal taking up too much time either.
  • Back Packing: If your child is big enough to carry her own backpack have her pack and carry her own flight amusements.
  • Flight walking: On a smooth flight, take your child to the restroom or for a walk down the aisle. Wait till the beverage and meal service is over and beware of hot surfaces in the kitchen.

NOTE :  We do not intend this section to be a substitute for expert advice.  However, as more and more parents become concerned about personal health and helping their children avoid many of their bad habits, we have tried to touch on those areas that you might want to explore further with your doctor or medical provider.

What are the Symptoms of Allergies?

The most common symptoms of allergy are:

  • Allergic rhinitis – sneezing, nasal congestion and coughing
  • Mouth breathing
  • Itchy eyes, mouth or throat
  • Hives – itchy welts on the skin
  • Eczema – a persistent itchy rash
  • Contact dermatitis – a rash caused by touching an allergen
  • Stomach-ache – after eating food
  • Dark circles under the child’s eyes (known as “allergic shiners”)
  • Asthma attacks may be triggered by allergies.

The Most Common Symptoms of Allergy:  

  • Sudden shortness of breath or inability to breathe
  • Severe drop in blood pressure
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Severe swelling of the airways

My baby cries all the time. Could he/she have colic?

May be. Colic isn’t an actual disease, just a term used to describe uncontrollable crying in an otherwise healthy baby. If your baby is under 5 months old and cries for more than three hours in a row on three or more days a week for at least three weeks, and there’s no medical explanation for his distress, chances are he’s colicky. A colicky baby may also act truly uncomfortable: the baby may alternately extend or pull up its legs and pass gas. The crying and discomfort can afflict your baby at any time of day, but it’s usually most intense between 6 p.m. and midnight.

About 20 percent of all babies become colicky, usually starting between 2 and 4 weeks of age. (The condition is equally common among first-born and later-born, boys and girls, breast- and formula-fed babies.) Thankfully, colic doesn’t last forever. Sixty percent of babies will be through the worst of it by 3 months, and 90 percent are better by 4 months of age.
Why do some babies get colic?

Colic is one of the great mysteries of baby life. No one knows why some babies are more prone to it than others, but theories abound. It may be that some babies have more immature or sensitive digestive systems than others. (In fact, the word colic comes from a Greek word, kolikos , which roughly translates to “colon.”) A newborn’s digestive tract contains very few of the enzymes or digestive juices needed to break down food, so processing the proteins in breast milk or formula can lead to painful gas. The act of screaming itself can cause your baby to swallow a lot of air and that, too, leads to gassiness. Other experts believe that long bouts of colicky crying are a physical release for overwhelmed babies whose still-developing nervous system can’t process all the new stimuli surrounding them. By the time evening rolls around some babies just can’t handle any more sights, sounds, or sensations in their environment and they cry to blow off steam.
I’ve heard that colic in breastfed babies is caused by the mother’s diet. Is this true?

Occasionally breastfed babies become colicky because of something in their mother’s diet. Dairy products are one of the main culprits. If you’re breastfeeding, try cutting back on milk, cheese, and yoghurt for a week to see whether that makes a difference. If your baby’s colic improves, keep those foods to a minimum. If not, see below for more tips on soothing colic and don’t deprive yourself of ice cream!

Some breastfed babies seem to be bothered if mom eats a lot of spicy food, wheat products, nuts, strawberries, cruciferous vegetables (such as cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower), garlic, caffeine, and alcohol. To see whether one of these foods is making your baby uncomfortable, avoid them all for a few days. If your baby seems better, reintroduce one food at a time, allowing a few days between re-introductions. If he starts fussing again after you start eating a certain food, you’ve discovered the offending substance. You’ll have to abstain from it until your baby outgrows his sensitivity, which will probably be at around 3 months, but kicking coffee or any other food for a few months is a small price to pay for a happy child.

If your baby is formula-fed, you might try switching formulas to see if that’s the irritant. And whether you’re feeding your baby formula or breast milk, make sure that you’re burping him during and after feedings. It helps relieve the pressure that builds up when he swallows air during feedings.
What else can I do to soothe my colicky baby?

First, forgive yourself if you succumb to a good cry, too. Listening to a baby bawl for hours can make even the most stoic parent break down at times. Next, take a deep breath and try to relax. If you’re too tense, your baby will pick up on it and you’ll never calm him down. Now start working your way through this tip list. Remember, no one tactic works for every baby every time, so keep trying. If these ideas don’t work for you, see more parent-tested colic cures here.

  • Give your baby a pacifier. It sometimes does the trick, probably because the sucking can be soothing for a baby. A wind-up swing or a rock in a rocking chair can help, too.
  • Place your baby, tummy down, on your knee or on a hot-water bottle wrapped in a towel (or cooled to a temperature that causes you no discomfort when held against the skin of your wrist). Rub or pat your baby’s back, which may help relieve some of the pressure in his stomach.
  • Pick your baby up and talk to him, rock him, or swaddle him. Granted, it’s not always easy to cuddle a screaming baby, but sometimes simply touching your baby will do the trick, and it’s important to at least try to comfort your child. You can also try placing him in a car seat or bouncer seat on top of a running clothes dryer the motion is often soothing. Don’t leave him unattended, though, because some dryers rock hard enough to knock a car seat off.
  • Carry your baby around with you. Some colicky infants simply like to be in motion. If this seems to be the case with your child, invest in a baby sling or front pack and tote him around as you do chores.
  • Try a change of atmosphere. It may help to take your baby for a walk, either in the stroller, a sling, or a front pack. The fresh air and rhythmic movement of walking may calm him and allow him to fall asleep. Or go for a drive.
  • Run a hot shower in the bathroom. Place your baby in a bouncer seat on the bathroom floor or hold him and pace back and forth while the shower runs. The steam and rhythmic beating of the warm water have been known to soothe many an irritable infant.
  • Once you’ve fed, burped, changed, and otherwise tended to your child’s needs, it’s okay to put him in his crib for a few minutes, even if he is crying piteously, so you can take a break. Having a little time out will help you maintain your nerves (and sanity). Spouses should spell each other, or hire an understanding babysitter for a few hours.
  • Stay away from prescription remedies for colic such as anti-spasmodics and sedatives. They may be dangerous to your baby.

NOTE:  We do not intend this section to be a substitute for medical advice. Regular communication with a trusted paediatrician is one of the most important ways to safeguard your children’s health. However, as more and more parents become concerned about personal health and helping their children avoid many of their bad habits, we have tried to touch on those areas that you might want to explore further with your doctor or medical provider.

Children are curious and should never be exposed to the dangers of being alone in a vehicle. To keep your children safe in and around the cars:

  • Never leave your children unattended in or around a vehicle. Learn about the dangers of a child getting into a car at home or elsewhere when a parent doesn’t know about it.
  • A child left unattended in a car may be abducted.
  • A child can suffer serious injury or die when he gets in a car that is sitting in the sun and gets extremely hot or when he gets in a car in extreme cold temperatures and cannot get out.
  • Teach your children not to play in or around cars. If a child plays with the gearshift or brakes of a car he can cause the car to roll and crash. If the car is idling, a child playing with the gears can cause the car to start moving.
  • Do not be afraid to tell parents or caregivers about the dangers when you see anyone leaving children unattended in a vehicle.
  • To prevent your child from entering the car without your knowledge, always lock the doors and trunk of your car, and keep the keys out of children’s sight and reach.
  • Keep the rear fold-down seats up to help prevent kids from getting into the trunk from inside the car.

Warning: Power windows can cause strangulation. Children may accidentally put their hands, knee or foot on the button on a power window when leaning out of a car causing the window to close and strangle them. No government agency has kept track of power window incidents but Kids ‘N Cars, a non-profit organization whose mission is to reduce non-traffic related injuries or deaths that occur when children are left unattended in or around a vehicle, says it has identified 42 child deaths and thousands of injuries from power window incidents since the 1960s. Four of these deaths occurred in 2002. Typically these incidents occur when the car is turned off but the key is left in the ‘On’ position to play the radio.
Kids in Hot Cars

As every parent knows, it takes time to put a child into a safety seat and take him out again each time you get into and out of the car. Take the time. A few seconds of your time can save your child’s life. Every year children who are safely buckled into their car safety seats die from hyperthermia (unusually high body temperature) when they are left in the family car.
Kids Playing in Cars

Children love to imitate grown-ups and pretending to drive is a favourite activity. Tragedies can happen when:

  • Children climb into cars to play and suffer from heat stroke because they don’t know how to get out of the car.
  • The keys are left in the ignition or the car is left idling while a parent runs an errand, and child climbs out of his car seat and shifts the car into gear causing the car to move.
  • Children are strangled in a power window or sunroof.
  • Children climb into the trunk of a car while playing hide and seek.

To keep your child safe in and around cars:

  • Always buckle-up your child in a car seat that is appropriate to the age and weight of your child.
  • Never leave your child unattended in or around a vehicle.
  • Teach your children to never play in, around or behind a vehicle.
  • Do not be afraid to tell parents or care givers about the dangers when you see anyone leaving children unattended in a vehicle.
  • To prevent your child from entering the car without your knowledge, always lock the doors and trunk of your car and keep the keys out of children’s sight and reach.
  • Keep rear fold-down seats up to help prevent kids from getting into the trunk from inside the car.
  • Walk around and behind a vehicle prior to moving it and know that another adult is properly supervising children before moving your vehicle.
  • Be aware that steep inclines and large SUV’s, vans and trucks add to the difficulty of seeing behind a vehicle
  • Consider installing cross view mirrors, and/or a back up detection device.
  • Keep toys and other sports equipment off the driveway.
  • Always make sure all child passengers have left the car after it is parked.
  • When a child is missing, check vehicles and car trunks right away.


While airbags have saved thousands of lives, a deploying airbag can be deadly to an unrestrained child. Properly buckling your child has never been more important now that all new vehicles offer airbags on the passenger’s side. While, some studies of actual crashes indicate that older children can be protected by airbags, it’s only if they are properly buckled up! Your best bet is to keep kids in car safety seats in the back seat whenever possible.

As of December 2000, 100 children had been killed by passenger airbags. To protect an occupant, an airbag must inflate in a fraction of a second before the occupant hits the dashboard. For a full-sized adult, the result is coming forward into a cushion of air. For a child who isn’t properly restrained, it can be deadly, especially if the child is standing up or leaning on the dashboard.

Remember : most children killed by airbags are not properly belted. Almost 60 percent of all children killed by passenger airbags were either unrestrained or improperly restrained at the time of the crash.

  • Use caution if your vehicle has side airbags. A child can be at risk of serious or fatal injury, especially if the child’s head, neck or chest is in close proximity to the air bag at the time of deployment. The International Traffic Safety Administration advises parents to deactivate side airbags if children will sit next to them. The best way to protect your child is to make sure she is seated and buckled up properly.
  • Children 12 and under should always travel in the rear seat and use an age-appropriate restraint.

Warning : Never place a rear-facing child seat in front of a passenger-side airbag.

Over 18 percent of the deaths of children from airbags were among infants in rear-facing child safety seats in front seats with a passenger airbag.

NOTE:  These are simply guidelines and information gathered from trusted sources that intend to ensure that your child travels in the car as safe as possible. In addition to the above information you should ALWAYS read the instructions manual when buying a car seat, since the information above alone are not enough. We have tried to touch on those areas that you might want to explore further with your doctor or an expert on the subject.

General information:

  • Your pet may exhibit behavior changes and react unpredictably to the arrival of a new baby.
  • Allow your pet to investigate the new baby’s room before the child arrives.
  • If the dog will be restricted from the baby’s room, practice leaving the dog outside the gate at random times, especially when a parent is inside the room.
  • Anticipate changes to the pet’s routine and schedule. Your dog may exhibit new behaviors, such as chewing or barking as a result of fewer walks. Your cat may urinate outside the litter box because the box is cleaned less frequently. Consider your pet’s reactions to physical restrictions around the house, such as baby gates.
  • After the baby is born, but still in the hospital, bring home blankets or diapers carrying the baby’s scent. An audiotape of the baby’s cries may also help prepare the dog or cat for the baby’s arrival.
  • Anticipate the baby’s arrival by placing a leash on the dog and greeting the parent and baby outdoors, where the dog may feel less anxiety. With one adult holding the leash and another adult holding the baby, the dog may be allowed to sniff the baby’s feet.
  • Never leave a baby alone with a pet. Gradually and calmly introduce your newborn to your pet. Cautiously observe your pet’s response to the new baby. After the first two or three weeks your pet will grow accustomed to the new baby and may even ignore him or her.

Pets and Toddlers:

  • Parents of one-and two-year olds should teach their toddlers safe behavior when playing with pets.
  • Infants and young children should never be left alone with a dog.
  • Monitor all interactions between your toddler and pet.
  • If the child is playing rough (pulling the dog’s ear), distract the child with another activity and tell that child “We don’t pull the dog’s ear.”
  • Young children may enjoy walking the dog outdoors with an adult.
  • Young children can fill the dog’s water bowl.
  • Keep your pet’s food dish out of reach from a child under three years old. The ingredients are not harmful, but the child could choke on the pet’s food. Don’t buy round gumball-shaped kitty treats that a child could choke on.
  • Keep all pet medicines, especially heartworm medication, locked up and out of reach of children.
  • When playing fetch, the adult should pick up the ball and hand it to the child, who can then throw it.
  • Keep gerbils, hamsters, fish, water turtles, and frogs out of reach of your baby or toddler. Your child could hurt the animal or put the animal in his or her mouth.  *
  • Place a tight-fitting screen on top of the fish tank.
  • Keep small cat toys, seed sticks for birds, hamster pellets, and charcoal for the fish tank out of reach of small children.

Teach Your Child Safety Rules About Pets:

  • Teach your child not to put his or her face close to the animal.
  • Encourage the child to wait until the pet comes to him or her; the pet may feel threatened if the child approaches the pet first.
  • Do not touch any animal without an adult’s permission.
  • Never approach or try to pet an unfamiliar dog unless the dog’s owner tells you it is safe to do so. If the owner says it is safe, let the dog look at you while you stand still for about 30 seconds, then let the dog sniff your closed fist, not an open hand, before you try to pet it.
  • Teach your child that a pet is not a toy or plaything. An animal feels pain and needs to be treated gently. Demonstrate how to stroke a pet by putting your hand on top of the child’s hand and guiding it, then let the child stroke the pet.
  • Teach your child the pet’s behavior and habits. When a cat or dog runs away, it wants to be left alone. Do not pet or restrain a dog that is trying to get away from you.
  • Teach your child how to recognize the pet’s fear or anger that may result in a bite or scratch.
  • Never pull a pet’s tail or take away a pet’s toy or bone.
  • Do not hug or kiss dogs that are not your own, even if they appear friendly.
  • Never disturb a dog that is eating, chewing a toy, caring for puppies, or sleeping, especially if they are under furniture.
  • If you an approached by an unfamiliar dog, stand still and stay quiet. Children should walk, not run, past an unfamiliar dog. If you run or scream, the dog may chase or attack you, interpreting you as prey. Avoid staring directly into the eyes of an unfamiliar dog, which the dog may interpret as a threat or challenge.
  • An unsafe or unfriendly dog may be barking wildly, crouching, have fur raised along its spine, and have a stiff tail.
  • If you are knocked over by a dog, roll your body up into a ball with your hands over your ears and lie still.
  • If you are chased by a dog while walking, jogging, or biking stop, turn toward the dog, and say, “No,” or “Go home.” While facing the dog, back away slowly.
  • Do not release caged animals (hamster, guinea pig, lizard, hermit crab, etc.) without adult permission.

NOTE : We do not intend this section to be a substitute for medical advice. Regular communication with a trusted pediatrician is one of the most important ways to safeguard your children’s health. However, as more and more parents become concerned about personal health and helping their children avoid many of their bad habits, we have tried to touch on those areas that you might want to explore further with your doctor or medical provider.

Clothing: In general, you want soft, comfortable clothing with no irritating tags or seams. You’ll be changing your baby’s clothing several times a day — babies are messy — so make sure outfits are uncomplicated and open easily for diaper changes.

Babies outgrow newborn sizes quickly, so buy big — at least three months ahead. But do choose one or two newborn outfits that you love just for the psychic lift of dressing your new baby in an outfit you consider adorable. While we’ve included rough guidelines on quantity, how many of each item you need will depend on your own preferences and how often you plan to do laundry.

One-piece outfits (4-7): One-piece bodysuits (often called “one sizes”) dramatically simplify dressing. Look for clothes made in a soft fabric with wide head openings and loose-fitting ankle and leg cuffs. Also, look for finished seams (so there are no rough or scratchy parts), and avoid zippers (which can pinch tender skin), and try to get them in a soft fabric.

One-piece pyjamas or nightgowns (4-7): Nightgowns with drawstrings at the bottom are useful because you won’t have to fuss with snaps during night- time diaper changes. Make sure that whatever you choose is warm so your baby is more likely to sleep comfortably.

Cotton shirts (4-7): Choose soft shirts, preferably with snaps at the neck for easier fitting. Undershirts are good for layering and will also protect your newborn’s skin from any seams or roughness in his outer garments. Choose undershirts that snap under the crotch so they don’t ride up.

Sweater or jacket (1): Most babies don’t like having clothes pulled over their heads, so warm up your baby with a sweater or jacket that buttons down the front.

Fleece wear or snowsuits: If you have a winter baby, we recommend finding a one-piece fleece suit to keep him warm on your outings. They’re often hooded and come in many styles. Snowsuits are a little more expensive, and not necessary since your baby is unlikely to be playing in the snow. In either case, buy big.

Socks and booties (4-7): Stores may sell shoes for newborns, but you don’t want them for the simple reason that your baby isn’t walking. So warm your baby’s feet in socks or booties.

Cap or bonnet (1-3): You’ll want a broad-brimmed hat for a summer baby, or a soft, warm hat that covers the ears for a winter baby.

Much about your life in these early weeks involves changing diapers. So you’ll want to be prepared. About 80 percent of parents opt for disposable diapers. Others choose a professional diaper service, and even fewer wash their own at home.

Decide which kind of diapers you want to use and stock up ahead of time. Keep in mind that you’ll be going through ten to 12 diapers each day during the first few weeks. If you do plan to use disposables, we recommend buying at least three large packs (about 150 diapers). If you plan to use cloth, you’ll need six to ten packs (12 diapers per pack) of pre-folded diaper-service-quality diapers. For cloth, you’ll also need a diaper pail, diaper covers, and rubber pants. Go with diaper wraps made with Velcro otherwise you’ll be stuck using pins or clips.
Getting around

Front pack or sling: Newborns love being held close; the warmth of your body and the thump of your heart will soothe like nothing else. A baby carrier also leaves your hands free to do other things.

Stroller:  For a newborn, you’ll want a stroller that reclines — babies shouldn’t be propped upright until they’re about 3 months old or until they’ve developed strong neck muscles. If you’re shopping for a new stroller, look for wide wheels, adjustable straps, and easy steering.

Mealtime: Bibs (4): Bibs keep spit-up and drool off clothes — need we say more?

Bottles and nipples: Even if you plan to breastfeed exclusively, having a few bottles and newborn nipples at home is a good idea. If you plan to use formula exclusively, you’ll go through roughly ten 4-ounce bottles a day.

Crib: You can get by without a crib at first — your newborn can sleep in a padded laundry basket or drawer if necessary. But unless you plan to have your baby share your bed, you’ll need a crib eventually. You’ll also need a firm mattress, a couple of sheets, and blankets.

Receiving blankets (4): Use this versatile item to swaddle and comfort your baby, as an extra layer for warmth, in place of towels, for catching spit-up, or whatever else you can think of safety.

Car seat: The law requires that your child sit in a car seat while riding in any car — even on the way home from the hospital. For a newborn, you have two choices: an infant seat designed to be used until your baby weighs 20 pounds, or a convertible seat, designed to be used by both babies and older children (though not at the same time).

Plastic bathtub: Using a tub specially designed to hold a wriggling baby will keep yours safe and give your back a break as well.



You’ll need to stock up on a few things as well.

Nursing bras (2-4): Because pregnancy changes the size and shape of your breasts, it pays to buy nursing bras from a store or catalog that takes returns. For comfort, buy 100 percent cotton without underwires. Some nursing bras unhook from the strap and others unsnap between the cups. You may want to try a couple of styles to see which you like best.

Nursing pads (disposable or washable): Inserting two of these in your bra can keep your shirts dry between feedings. Like diapers, pads come in both cloth and disposable styles. For disposables, look for pads with a self-stick strip. Cloth pads are usually made of flannel and need to be washed frequently.

Maxi-pads/Panty liners: You’ll want a couple of boxes of overnight-quality maxi-pads. When the lochia discharge slows, usually within two or three weeks, you’ll also want a couple of boxes of panty liners.

How do I trim my baby’s nails without cutting his fingers?

The best time to do this is while he’s sleeping. The easiest way to trim the nails may be to just peel the ends off with your fingers. Your baby’s nails are so soft that they’ll easily rip right along the tops of his fingers. And don’t worry — you won’t rip the whole nail off this way. You can also file them down with an emery board, if you have the patience and can keep your baby still long enough. Otherwise, you can use a pair of baby scissors or clippers made especially for this purpose. Leave a set in the car so you can do the job while your baby’s asleep in his car seat.

If you decide to trim your baby’s nails with clippers while he’s awake, get someone to help you hold him and keep him from wiggling too much while you clip. Or get someone to distract him so that he’ll let you hold his hand still for the clipping. Make sure you have enough light to see what you’re doing. Press the finger pad away from the nail to avoid nicking the skin, and keep a firm hold on your child’s hand as you clip.
Should I trim my baby’s nails?

Yes. Your baby’s nails may be softer and more pliable than yours, but make no mistake — they’re sharp, and a newborn, who has little control over his flailing limbs, can easily end up scratching his own face or yours as he reaches out to explore you. Little fingernails grow so fast you may have to cut them as often as a few times a week. Toenails require less-frequent trimming.

If I do cut a fingertip, how do I stop the bleeding?

In the harrowing event that you do nick a tiny fingertip, don’t be too hard on yourself — it happens to everyone. Wrap a tissue around your baby’s finger and hold it above his heart. In most cases, the bleeding will stop in a minute or two. If it continues for more than couple of minutes, it’s still not likely to harm your child, but the blood will get all over if he gets restless and squirms out of your arms. In that case, put him somewhere safe where bloodstains won’t be a problem, such as a highchair if he’s old enough for one, or let him crawl around on the kitchen floor, if it’s clean. Resist the temptation to try to get a bandage on his finger — the bandage will likely come off when he puts his finger in his mouth, and he could end up choking on it. If you want, you can use a liquid bandage product that’s approved for children. These products are non-toxic, and they dry quickly and slough off with the dead skin cells when the wound is healed.

When should I use a bulb syringe?

When your baby has a cold or a stuffed-up nose, you can use a rubber bulb syringe to remove some of the mucus. If the mucus has hardened or become crusty, you’ll need to apply saline drops first to loosen it up.

You can buy saline drops at pharmacies or make them easily at home by dissolving 1/4 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water. Make a fresh batch each time your child gets sick. (You may want to boil the water first to sterilize it if you get your water from a well.)
How do I use it?

1. Begin by laying your child in your lap with his head between your knees and his feet against your tummy; let his head drop backward slightly.

2. If saline drops are needed, place one or two drops in each nostril with an eye-dropper (or a squirt or two if you’re using a saline spray). Wipe the dropper clean after each use. Try to keep your child’s head still for about ten seconds.

3. Squeeze the bulb of the syringe to create a vacuum and gently insert the rubber tip into one nostril. Slowly release the bulb to collect mucus. Remove the syringe and squeeze the bulb forcefully to expel the mucus into a tissue or the sink. Wipe the syringe and repeat the process for the other nostril.

4. If your child is still congested after five to ten minutes, apply drops again and re-suction. (Don’t use the saline drops for more than four days in a row because they can dry out the nose and irritate the nostrils.)

Remember: This should be a gentle process. If your child is struggling a lot and you end up suctioning too aggressively, the nasal tissues can become inflamed, which can aggravate the congestion. If this seems to be happening, let it go for a while and try again later.

NOTE: We do not intend this section to be a substitute for medical advice. Regular communication with a trusted paediatrician is one of the most important ways to safeguard your children’s health. However, as more and more parents become concerned about personal health and helping their children avoid many of their bad habits, we have tried to touch on those areas that you might want to explore further with your doctor or medical provider.

Sponge baths

For the first week or so, until your baby’s umbilical cord stump falls off and the area heals, it’s best to stick to sponge baths with a lukewarm, moistened washcloth. Wash his face and hands frequently, and thoroughly clean his genital area after each diaper change.
Tub baths

After the umbilical cord stump dries up, falls off, and the area heals, you can start giving your newborn tub baths. While a baby is tiny, it makes the most sense to use the kitchen sink or a small plastic baby tub instead of a standard tub. Although some parents bathe their babies every day for the sheer pleasure of it, until a baby is crawling around and getting into messes, a bath isn’t really necessary more than once or twice a week. When you do bathe your newborn, you may find it a little scary at first. Handling a wiggling, wet, and soapy little creature takes practice and confidence, so stay calm and maintain a good grip on him. Some babies find the warm water very soothing. If this is the case with your baby, let him linger. Others cry through the whole bath — that’s when you’ll want to get him in and out. Keeping the bathing room warm can help.
Bath safety

  • Never leave your baby unsupervised, even for a minute. If the doorbell or phone rings and you feel you must answer it, scoop him up in a towel and take him with you.
  • Never put your baby into a tub when the water is still running (the water temperature could change or the depth could become too high).
  • Set your water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. A child can get third-degree burns in less than a minute at 140 degrees.
  • Never leave your child unattended. (Yes, it’s so important we listed it twice). A child can drown in less than an inch of water — and in less than 60 seconds.

How to give your baby a bath?

1. Gather all necessary bath supplies, and lay out a towel, a clean diaper, and clothes. Test the water temperature. It should be between 20°C and 38°C or just warm to the inside of your wrist or elbow

2. Fill the tub with 2 to 3 inches of water that feels warm but not hot, about 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 degrees Celsius).

3. Bring your baby to the bath area and undress him completely. (TIP: If your baby cries through every bath, leave the diaper on at first. It can give him an increased sense of security in the water.)

4. Gradually slip your baby into the tub feet first, using one hand to support his neck and head. Pour cupfuls of bath water over him regularly during the bath so he doesn’t get too cold.

5. Use mild soap and use it sparingly (too much dries out your baby’s skin), as you wash him with your hand or a washcloth from top to bottom, front and back. Wash his scalp with a wet, soapy cloth. Use moistened cotton balls (no soap) to clean his eyes and face. If dried mucus has collected in the corners of your baby’s nostrils or eyes, dab it several times to soften it before you wipe it out. As for your baby’s genitals, a routine washing is all that’s needed.

6. Rinse your baby thoroughly with cupfuls of water and wipe him down with a clean washcloth. Then lift him out of the tub with one hand supporting his neck and head and the other hand supporting his bottom, with your fingers around one thigh (babies are slippery when wet).

7. Wrap your baby in a hooded towel and pat him dry. (If his skin is still peeling from birth, you can apply a mild baby lotion after his bath, but this is generally dead skin that needs to come off anyway, not dry skin.) Then diaper him, dress him, and give him a kiss on his sweet-smelling head.

  • NEVER leave a young child alone or with another child in the bathtub as a child can drown in just a few inches of water.
  • NEVER add hot water while your child is in the tub, and don’t overfill it.

NOTE: We do not intend this section to be a substitute for medical advice. Regular communication with a trusted paediatrician is one of the most important ways to safeguard your children’s health. However, as more and more parents become concerned about personal health and helping their children avoid many of their bad habits, we have tried to touch on those areas that you might want to explore further with your doctor or medical provider.

Teaching Your Child Safety Rules And Skills

Many of us, as we raise our children, find ourselves repeating many of the old adages that our parents said to us as we were growing up. “Look both ways before you cross the street” is one of the stock phrases in every parent’s vocabulary. Other well-worn pieces of advice are conveyed in different ways but contain the same message no matter where you live.

In this section we’d like to review some of these, as well as adding a few that are appropriate for children today. As important as reinforcing these messages by repetition, is accompanying them with an explanation your child can understand. When the consequences are discussed, children are better able to appreciate why these are rules to live by. Also, be sure to point out examples of safe behaviour by others and commend your child for practicing these safety rules.

Simple Safety Rules

  • If you burn yourself, immediately put the burn under cool water. Keep it there as long as it feels comfortable.
  •  If you or your clothing catch fire:
    • Stop where you are, immediately
    • Drop to the ground and
    • Roll over and over until the fire is out.
    • Parents: Practice this stop, drop, and roll technique with your child.
  • If you find matches or a lighter tell Mom, Dad or another adult.
  • If you see a fire starting, don’t hide but call for help immediately.
  • If you start to bleed or are stung by a bee or other insect, stop playing and get first aid from Mom, Dad or another adult you trust.
  • Never eat or drink anything or take any kind of medicine without your parents’ or a trusted adult’s permission.
  • If you ever drink anything that burns your mouth or that you know you should not have swallowed, immediately tell your Mom, Dad or another adult.
  • Do not play with electrical outlets, microwave ovens, power tools or other machinery and equipment around the house your mom or dad have deemed “off limits.”
  • Always buckle your seat belt and lock your car door.
  • Look left, right, and then left again, before crossing the street.
  • Never tell anyone over the phone that you are home alone, and never open the door to strangers when you are home alone.
  • Never talk to strangers, and beware of anyone trying to give you candy, gifts, or money, or asking you to help them find a lost dog or cat.
  • Always tell your Mom or Dad where you’ll be playing, and never play in parking lots, empty buildings, or alleys.
  • Adults do not usually ask children for directions or help. If someone asks you for directions do not go near the car. Always know a neighbour you can go to on your way to and from school, the playground or the park.
  • If someone is following you on foot or in a car, go to a place where there are other people – to a neighbour’s home or into a store and ask for help. Do not go near the car to talk to anyone inside and do not try to hide behind bushes.
  • Do NOT get in a car or go anywhere with any person unless your parents have told you that it is okay. Your child should learn in whose car he is allowed to ride. Warn your child that someone might try to lure him into a car by claiming you said to pick him up; tell him never to obey such instructions. Instead, he should go back to the school for help.
  • If someone tries to take you somewhere without your parents’ permission, quickly get away from him or her and scream, “This person is not my parent!”
  • If you get separated from your parents in a public place, go to a checkout counter, security office or lost and found area. Tell the person in charge that you need help finding your parents.
  • If someone wants to take your picture, say NO and tell your parents, day care provider or teacher.
  • If someone touches you and you don’t feel comfortable about it, tell your mom, dad or an adult friend; keep telling people until you are sure someone believes you.
  • Tell your Mom or Dad if an adult asks you to “Keep a secret.”
  • Never give out identifying information or personal information in a public message such as a “chat” or bulletin board, and be sure you’re dealing with someone both you and your child know and trust before disclosing identifying information in an email. Never put your picture on the Internet without your parent’s permission.
  • Never make arrangements for a face-to-face meeting with someone you have met on the Internet without your parent’s permission.

Basic Safety Skills  

In addition to the above rules, teach your child the following basic skills:

His or her name, address (including city, state and zip code), and phone number (including area code), as well as your work phone numbers.

  • How to use both a push button and rotary-dial telephone.
  • How to make an emergency call to you or for help from a pay phone.
  • Emergency telephone number 199 (if you are in a 199 service area) or dialling “0” to reach the operator; and when to use these numbers.
  • How to lock and unlock all your doors and windows.
  • What the smoke alarm means and what to do when it goes off.

NOTE :  We do not intend this section to be a substitute for medical advice. Regular communication with a trusted pediatrician is one of the most important ways to safeguard your children’s health. However, as more and more parents become concerned about personal health and helping their children avoid many of their bad habits, we have tried to touch on those areas that you might want to explore further with your doctor or medical provider.
